As Govt of India starts preparing rules for DPDP Act, social media platforms worried

As Govt of India starts preparing rules for DPDP Act, social media platforms worried

As Govt of India starts preparing rules for DPDP Act, social media platforms worried

The Indian government has recently taken a significant step towards enhancing data protection and privacy by preparing rules under the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Act. This move comes at a time when social media platforms are becoming increasingly concerned about complying with stringent regulations.

What is the PDP Act?

The Personal Data Protection (PDP) Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at safeguarding individuals’ personal data. It sets out guidelines for how data can be collected, processed, stored, and shared by businesses operating in India. The act aims to provide greater control to individuals over their personal information and ensures that companies adhere to strict data protection standards.

Why are Social Media Platforms Worried?

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have expressed concerns about how the PDP Act could impact their operations in India. These platforms collect vast amounts of user data to personalize content, target advertisements, and improve user experience. However, the new regulations could make it challenging for them to continue gathering and using this data without explicit consent from users.

One of the major provisions causing alarm among social media companies is the requirement to store user data locally within India.

This provision poses practical challenges for these platforms, as they would need to invest in local servers and infrastructure to comply with this requirement. Additionally, there are concerns about potential breaches of data security if user information is stored exclusively within Indian borders.

Implications for Social Media Platforms

The stringent rules under the PDP Act could have far-reaching implications for social media platforms, including:

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